Club Craig - 2019-9

World wide environment protest

There is a protest going on today, and it's world wide. It's in relating to protesting against the lack of awareness and policies regarding climate change.
This got me thinking about what I can do to lessen my own part in this whole saga.
Once of the things that I love, also happens to help the environment. I ride my bike to work rather than driving. "Active transport" is cycling or walking to work or at least part of the way. It's something you don't hear anywhere near enough of just about anywhere in the world.
This morning I decided to try something and counted the number of cars I passed before being passed back. This morning the number was 145. I passed 145 cars in the left lane only before one had enough space in front to pass back. It's not a zero sum game. If only a few percent switched to active transport, imaging what the roads could be like.


Do something every day that makes you smile.

I’m back on the bike today. I love commuting by bike. It just makes sense. I spend the time exercising rather than just sitting in the car. It allows me to manage my stress levels and gives me an almost meditative like experience.

Plus, the weather today is absolutely amazing. You couldn’t ask for a better day.


Thought for today.

I'm not riding today. My level of fitness since returning still doesn't allow me to go crazy all day, every day. But, I'm working my way back to it.

On Instagram this morning, an account I follow is Truth Potato. This image showed up this morning and it's become my mantra for the day. It's probably confirmation bias, but it still fits with the way I feel today.

Have a great day.


Current limit reached.

I’m on the comeback trail. I’ve been improving day by day but I seem to have hit a plateau. I’m not sad about it but I will work harder to get through it.

The weather has cooled significantly in the mornings and late evenings. It’s almost nice. My favorite time of year is just around the corner.


Trying something new.

I made a mistake today and didn't realise that our monthly road cleaning for was today. Instead, I was out trying something new.

I was invited to join a group to go mountain biking in Tokushima. I've never tried mountain biking before, and to be honest, I was really scared to start.

I ride bikes all the time, but usually on the road. I've only recently moved over to also riding on gravel too, but in the forest it was a new experience for me. The path was not flat, it was more often than not, on an angle and was flanked by trees and there were roots and rocks as well.

I made it though, and I did end up enjoying myself. It just took a little time to get used to it, and to trust in the equipment I had.
