Club Craig - 2013-7

What's the weather?

I know I've had posts here before about the weather and how the weather forecasting service isn't really doing that good a job of pretelling what the weather will be like....

But honestly, do they have to be this bad?

For at least a week now, even the evening before, they haven't been right about the next day. Is it honestly that hard? I'm sure they have models and history as a guide.

Yes, things are changing, but I don't believe it's changing that much nor that quickly that a model couldn't be revised to accomodate.

I'm proposing that the weather forecast come up with a new symbol. We already have snow, rain, sun, clouds etc but I think there needs to be an honesty mark. Something like a question mark (?) that really just means "We have no idea."

Now that would give us something to plan to.

Until next time...
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