Club Craig - 2012-12

Winter visits

We were just visited by the President of Aioidenshi in his Hummer H2.

We took it out for a spin and it was suprising to say the least. I've never really been into these big cars/trucks, and I own a small hybrid anyway. But the 6 litre V8 sounded amazing.


Keeping with the Xmas Theme

Christmas is almost upon us. Whilst I'm not big on the comercialization of Christmas, sometimes there are things that I'm impressed with.

Take for example this box. I'm familiar with singing cards, but I've never seen a singing box before. Open the lid and it sings "We wish you a Merry Christmas."

I wonder if we can use it again next year?

Till next time....


New Years Preparation

I'm starting to look at generating my new years resolution list for next year.

I want to OWN 2013!!!

What do you want to do?


In Japan at this time of year, it's Mandarin season. Most of my Japanese friends call them Oranges but that's not quite right.

I'm currently trying to fight off a cold that is trying to take hold. To do this I'm just about over-dosing on mandarins. Hopefully that will help me in the end.

I'm not a bit fan of the oranges here though. I find them really acidy and it actually feels like my lips are burning after eating them.

However, the humble mikan.... bring it on.


Weather woes Part II

Today I had a rather perculiar situation.

Let me explain. I normally get my weather from an app on my ipod/ipad and, normally, it's not even close to being right. I've been rained on whilst riding more times this year than any other, combined.

However, on Sunday I checked the weather for today. I checked the app, it said light rain. I checked yahoo, it said cloudy and sunny. I checked and it also said cloudy and sunny.

So it was 2 against 1 for cloudy and sunny over rain....


Now, I don't know what to believe.